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Necessary study

First you have to learn the school course. If you do not know CBSE/state board course very well, you can not qualify IIT JEE, NEET, CAT, SAT, GMAT, SSC etc. in even hundred years. Many students try to study advanced books superficially or do a large number of questions given by coaching institutes. However after the results of competition are declared, they find that all this was wasted effort because they did not know somethings in their school books. First you must master the NCERT or school books. Without mastering that one can not hope to get even 10% marks in competitions. You do not need to do a huge number of questions but you must think deeply about the questions you do.

Physical games 3 hours every week, creative hobby 2 hours a week are must. Keep time for necessary tasks. Remaining time study honestly. First master the school textbooks. Then attack questions of competitions.

I help students strengthen basic ideas in the topics. Many candidates try to learn advanced topics without mastering the basics. This makes them look intelligent in front of their friends but in the examination hall this learning is not of much use.

Many candidates feel that if they learn lots of formulae, it will help them at competitions. At the actual test they find that these formulae do not help much. Actually the ability more needed, is to modify some formulae learned in 6th - 10th or 11th and 12th classes, on the spot while sitting in the exam hall of competition. Some students quickly develop this ability. It seems difficult to others in the beginning,but after just a few days, with some encouragement from the teacher the successfull students start developing this ability. This ability also helps the candidates a lot in  SAT, GRE and GMAT. This also helps the students in tests by CBSE and IB boards, without spending any extra time. After your result is declared in your competition, I request you to tell me if you gained more marks and better rank from other high priced institutes for a long time, or from this technique in a short time. Or you can ask your seniors who appeared in the same competition earlier than you, where and how you will benefit more.

First you must master the NCERT or your school books. Without mastering that one can not hope to get even 10% marks in competition. If you doubt it, ask your seniors who wrote these exams earlier, or read old papers of same competitions. After that honestly do a few questions from old competitions, reference books or correspondence material.
By honestly I mean you should not take help from any one or look at answers. You do not need to do a huge number of questions but think deeply about the questions you do.

You should concentrate on the basics like definitions, derivations etc. If you learn
more than twenty thousand difficult formulae but do not know the basics well, it will not help you in  competitive test or boards. If you master the basics and do just a few questions which are very difficult, purely by your own efforts, it can help you a lot more. After results of your competitions, please tell me if I was wrong or right.

Many students take the easy way out. They try to learn several simple formulae and believe that these simple formulae will help them in the  competition. It is their career and they are free to take as many risks as they wish, but I suggest that for some time every day, they should read old papers of competitions and try to solve some such questions. Of course if they can solve quesions of old  competition, it is even better. If they spend eight hours every day learning simple formulae and practising these, they should spend half an hour or more practising old questions of IIT or AIIMS or  competition without taking any help, every day. Then after you take the competitive exams and results also come, please tell me how much my suggestions helped you.

Do not hurry to read solutions to difficult problems. Try to solve these for as long as you can, before giving up. This will strengthen other topics also, besides the one you thought will help solve the question. Try to understand the questions relating these to the topics in course for boards and syllabus. Do not try to think less or manipulate numbers.

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