in India a few lakh bad women put false blames on husbands. Due to faulty
laws, families of husbands suffer hugely. Innocent people are imprisoned
and blackmailed without any proof needed, by lawyers. If you doubt this,
ask any good lawyer or police inspector. When the news spreads, people
raise the rates of dowry to balance the risks. Crores of brides suffer and
parents are forced to abort their unborn girls. In Muslims parents do not
kill unborn girls. In USA etc. contracts before marriage are allowed.
These are called pre-nuptual agreements. These are allowed in Muslim laws
also. These reduce the harassment of innocent people by police and
lawyers. Unfortunately these are not allowed in India. So police and
lawyers earn big money and innocent women and men suffer.
dowry can be eliminated if contracts before marriage are allowed. these
are called pre-nuptual-agreements. These are allowed in USA, etc. Now a
few lakh corrupt brides misuse laws to harass innocent husbands who may
not have taken a paisa in dowry. As a result, dowry is increasing, Crores
of honest brides have to suffer as a result.
सिर्फ लड़के वाले ही नहीं लड़की वाले भी आराम चाहते हैं. कुछ गाँवों में
ज्यादातर लड़के कुवांरे हैं क्यों की लड़की वाले वहां शादी नहीं करना चाहते.
थोड़े से लड़की वाले गलत क़ानून का गलत फायदा उठाते हैं. दूल्हे पर झूठे आरोप
लगाते हैं. दूल्हे के परिवार को बिना कसूर के जेल हो जाती है. फिर
दूल्हे के परिवार से लाखों या करोड़ों रूपए ऐंठ कर तलाक देते हैं. ऐसे
कई केस दिल्ली के हर थाने में आज भी चल रहे हैं. आपको शक हो तो किसी वकील या
पुलिस वाले से पूछ सकते हैं. बहुत थोड़ी लडकियां ऐसा करती हैं. उनके डर से
लड़के वाले ज्यादा दहेज़ मांगते हैं. ख़राब लड़कियां फायदा उठाती हैं और करोड़ों
अच्छी लड़कियां और अच्छे लड़के नुक्सान उठाते हैं. ऐसे क़ानून चलते रहे तो आपको क्या लगता है भविष्य में दहेज़ वगैरह बढ़ेगा या घटेगा?
एक उपाय है सरकार शादी से पहले किये गए समझौता मान ले. अगर लड़की ने ज्यादा
दहेज़ दिया हो तो वे समझौते में लिख सकते हैं की तलाक में इतने ज्यादा पैसे
मिलेंगे. अगर लड़की ने दहेज़ न दिया हो तो समझौते में लड़का ज्यादा पैसे की बात
नहीं मानेगा. अभी तो बुरी लड़की पुलिस और वकील एक एक भले लड़के से लाखों करोड़ों
रुपये ऐंठ लेते हैं . चाहे लड़के वालों ने एक पैसे का भी दहेज़ न लिया हो. अभी
गलत क़ानून का दुरूपयोग बढ़ रहा है इसलिए दहेज़ भी बढ़ता जा रहा है.
Not only boys, girls are also greedy. In some villages, many men are
unmarried because girls do not want to live there. These men do not want
any dowry. A few girls misuse the anti dowry laws. They tell a few lies to
police. They do not give any proof of even 1 paisa. Due to bad laws,
members of boy's family are arrested. Even if the boy's family have not
taken any dowry, they are put in jail. Then the girl takes a lot of money
from the boy to release his family. If you doubt this, you can confirm
from any policeman or lawyers. Only very few girls do this. However when
the news spreads, to cover the risk people demand more dowry. It is seen
that the number of girls misusing this law is increasing every year. As a
result, demand for dowry is also likely to increase every year. Honest
girls and boys suffer and bad girls get a lot of money.
One solution is that India should recognise written agreements made by
bride and groom before marriage. These agreements can specify how much
money the guilty party will have to give in which circumstances. If some
girl gives dowry, she can insist on more money in divorce. If she does not
give any dowry, she will have to accept less money in the agreement. Now,
the bad girl, police and lawyers extract lakhs and crores of rupees from a
honest boy.